Book Resources by Chapter
Chapter 1: The Worldwise Learning Framework
Chapter 2: Creating Inclusive, Democratic Classrooms
Question Sequencing (video)
Card Sort: Rights, Needs, and Wants (PDF file)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (PDF file)
Circles of Peace Poster (PDF file)
Strategy: Identity Maps (coming soon!)
Empathy Map Template (Google Slide available in 8.5x11" and A4)
Chapter 3: Complex Issues Know No Disciplines
Contrasting Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Learning (coming soon!)
Case Study Resources (coming soon!)
Chapter 4: Perspective-Taking and Perspective-Getting
Introducing MISO Research Methods Slide deck (Google Slideshow)
Chapter 5: The Power of Story to Build Connection
Introducing Story Portraits Slide deck (Google Slideshow)
Book Lists and Databases for Global Challenges (coming soon!)
Geo-Literacy Resources (coming soon!)
Chapter 6: Systems, Systems Everywhere
Chapter 7: Up to the Conceptual Level
Chapter 8: Citizenship Within and Beyond the Classroom
People, Systems, Power, Participation Template with Simplified Questions (Google Slide available in 8.5x11" and A4)
Reflective Questions for Developing Solutions (Google Slide available in 8.5x11" and A4)
Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then (SWBST) Protocol (Google Slide available in 8.5x11" and A4)
Printable Quotes for Circles of Compassion (PDF file)
Chapter 9: Being a Worldwise Educator
Resources to Support Global Collaboration (coming soon!)